@Ahmadzai. The PIN is a strictly personal and changeable code, so no one knows it except you. Follow this procedure: enter a deliberately incorrect PIN three times in a row, you will be asked to enter the PUK code, and you can find it: in your personal area on the ho. website from Login, Summary, My profile, My numbers, PUK code, Show, PUK; you can find it in the ho. app from horizontal lines (top right), telephone number, Manage my profile, telephone number, PUK code; you can also request the PUK by calling 800688788 toll-free from any operator, selecting option 5 to find out the PUK. Enter the PUK, unlocking the device and, from the device settings (from Mobile networks, Password and Security, System security, PIN card lock, Change PIN), create a new PIN. You will be asked to enter the PUK again to confirm the new PIN created.