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come posso modificare la mia offerta/piano senza perdere il mio attuale numero ho o registrare un nuovo numero, poiché l'offerta di modifica è bloccata per me nell'app, intendo come interrompere il piano e avviarne uno nuovo

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Thanks for getting back to me.
I find it odd that I would need to move my number to e.g. Iliad first and then move it back to ho mobile to get that 100 GB offer - ho mobile would lose me as a customer for a few months no?
There are no offers listed in my app under change plan - not even the currently available 70 GB for new numbers.
I'm happy to shop around for better offers but ho mobile lose me for at least a few months as customer- I just dont understand how that's economical for ho mobile.
Best and buon natale

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Hello @Georg1, unfortunately the promotion cannot be changed as the conditions relating to the offer subscribed at the time of purchase apply. However, you can check the offers dedicated to you by accessing the Change Offer section from the app. I am available. Good day and best wishes to you too!

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Thank you and best wishes

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Hi @Courage, the promotion cannot be changed as the conditions relating to the offer subscribed at the time of purchase apply. Any offers dedicated to you can be viewed directly from the APP My Offer> Change Offer. We remind you that, if you have finished your gigs, with Riparti you can renew your offer in advance to have all the gigs, minutes and SMS available again. The offer is automatically renewed every month at the usual price from the date of the restart. Below is the link with all the information on the service: https://supporto.ho-mobile.it/t5/Soluzioni-per-usare-la- SIM / i-finished-i-giga-oi-minutes / ta-p / 127. Have a good day.
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